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Répliques VO saison 1

City of (1#01)

Angel: So are you, uh, happy?
Tina: What?
Angel: You look sorta down.
Tina: You've been watching me?
Angel: No, I just, I was uh looking towards there, and you walked...through there?
Tina: You don't hit on girls very often, do you?
Angel: It's been a while.
Cordelia: I finally get invited to a nice place with no mirrors and lots of curtains.Hey! You're a vampire!
Russell: What? No I'm not.
Cordelia: You are!
Russell: I don't know what you're talking about.
Cordelia: I'm from Sunnydale! We had our own Hellmouth. I think I know a vampire when I'm alone with one in his fortress like home.
Russell: Look at me. I pay my taxes, I keep my name out of the paper, and I don't make waves. In return I can do anything I want.
Angel: Really? So you can fly !


Episode “In the dark” (1#03)

Oz: "He's very pale. Like paler than most people."


 Episode "I Fall To Pieces" (1#04)

Cordelia (to Doyle): You are a lot smarter than you look - Of course you look like a retard.
Doyle: Enough English whiskey to drop my aunt Judy. That woman had some girth.


Episode "Room With A View" (1#05)


Cordelia: Oh god, Angel! It's so terrible! Oh, my gosh. Don't even look at me! I am such a mess. I am the lowest of the lowest. (Gestures towards the open door) and you're going to want to get my other suitcase out there in the hall.
Cordelia: You know what? I get it. You're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment! Move on! - You see a light anywhere? Go towards it, okay? (Wind starts to blow paper scraps in Cordy's face) Uh, cold wind, scary! What are you going to do? Chap me to death? What else have you got??
Cordelia: I am not giving up this apartment!
Angel: It's haunted.?
Cordelia: It's rent controlled!
Doyle: Cordy, it says 'DIE'!
Cordelia: Hey, maybe it's not done. Maybe it's 'DIET'. That's friendly. A little judgmental, sure...
Cordelia slowly gets up and looks Maude in the eye: I'm not a sniveling whiny little Cry-Buffy. I'm the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history. - I take crap from no one.
Maude: You are going to make yourself a noose and put it around..
Cordelia: Back off! Polygrip. - You think "you're" bad? Being all mean and haunty? Picking on poor pathetic Cordy? Well, get ready to haul your wrinkly translucent ass out of this place, because lady, the bitch is back.



Bachelor party (1#07)

Doyle: The only money in my family is underneath the couch cushions

Cordelia: You were so? Brave?
Doyle: You think you say that again without so much shock in your voice? You're steppin? on my moment of manliness here?
Cordelia: I'm sorry! I'm just ...
Doyle: Surprised?


I will remember you (1#08)

Mohra Demon: The end of days has begun and cannot be stopped. For any one of us who falls, ten shall rise.
Buffy: You hurt my boyfriend!
Mohra Demon: A great darkness is coming!
Buffy: You got that right!

Episode "War zone" (1#20)

Cordelia: I like the smell of a little money once in a while

Ecrit par Marion 
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